It's Not Easy Saying Goodbye

A lot has happened in the past couple of months... there was whirlwind of activity. We not only celebrated my parents anniversary but we had a big farewell brunch for my sister and brother-in-law. I had planned this brunch for close friends and family to be able to say goodbye to my sister before they moved to Atlanta. 

In the days leading up to the big party we were really nervous about what the weather was going to be like. Winter in Montreal this year has been pretty extreme. With -30 temperatures in the month of December and a lot of snow I wondered, would we fare any better in January? Definitely not. After watching the weather all of last week, the forecast called for rain, freezing rain, wind and about 30cm of snow-all between Friday night and Saturday morning- a big winter storm.

We were expecting around 80-90 guests at Restaurant L'Ambroisie, a beautiful restaurant located in St-Henri neighbourhood. What was I to do? As Friday night turned into Saturday morning I kept glancing out the window unsure of whether to cancel the brunch or not. We got dumped on, the roads were slick with ice and unplowed snow and might be very dangerous.

At this point it was too late to cancel, we decided to go ahead with the brunch. Boy were we glad that we did. Despite a few last minute cancelations due to the weather, the turnout was amazing with the making it. I was thrilled because my sister and brother-in-law were hitting the road early the next morning to head to Atlanta, so this would be the last chance for family and friends to say their goodbyes.

One thing I never counted on was how this would make me feel. My sister is my best friend and we've been through so much together and experienced so much together, that I didn't realize how I would feel when she left. I had been keeping myself so busy with planning the event that I didn't realize how quickly the days were passing by and before I knew it, the day was here!

All in all it was a great event. I miss her for sure, but we're looking forward to visiting them in Atlanta, Georgia and exploring that city and all that it has to offer. Until then...bon voyage! :)


Café Parvis


In the Throes of Winter